If your package is a pure python one, there is nothing to do. If you depend on C/C++ code, keep on reading. If your library is a pure python one, you’re good to go. More detailed information is available on our wiki. When porting to a new platform, you have to choose between a native and a cross compilation workflow. You can refer to Linaro’s wiki page that lists instructions and additional requirements for those.

Having them installed in your environment will help pip to install packages without any additional manual steps. A few examples are CMake, LLVM, Rust, etc. Some python packages require additional tools and libraries for compilation. From there, pip will be able to compile packages that do not offer wheels. You just need to select “Desktop development with C++” workflow, and everything should be installed correctly. To be able to install a package using C/C++ code, you’ll need to install Visual Studio Community (available for free). When installing a package using pip install mypackage, pip automatically installs the packages and its dependencies for you. A wheel can be platform agnostic (if the package is pure python), or platform specific. Projects can be packaged in wheels that can contain compiled code, making it easy and fast to install for users. Most of the software used in the python community is available through pip. Thanks to Linaro’s lab, we could provide a Surface Pro X to run a worker, that is now officially supporting this platform. Great time for Pythonistas using a WoA machine 🐍🥳🐍! Note: This is still an experimental support, and some bugs can be present. With the release of Python 3.11, Windows on Arm is now listed as a supported platform ( Tier 3), and an installer is now available here. Starting with version 3.8, experimental support for Windows on Arm was added, and it was possible to download it using Nuget or build it from source directly. CPythonĬPython is the official implementation for Python and its standard library. In this blog we talk about the work involved in making the official installer for Windows on Arm available and how you can get set up. In the last months, Linaro has been contributing to several key packages, and provided a CI machine to build and test for Windows on Arm. Some packages use native code (mostly C/C++), which usually involve some efforts to enable a new platform. Python has been very successful thanks to its rich ecosystem, and especially pip packages ( ). It’s a great time for developers to start their journey targeting Windows on Arm. Starting with python 3.11, an official installer for Windows on Arm is now available. If developers are exploring Windows on Arm and native development, they will be pleased to hear that Python, the most widely-used programming language, now has native support for Arm platforms.